{ "culture": "en-AU", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "", "description": "This dataset represents SCC's Recreational Trails, and thus the approximate location and basic attribution of known, recorded, SCC-owned or maintained trails within the Sunshine Coast LGA. Eligible asset types include formed footpaths, cycleways, shared paths, unformed (ie. unexcavated earth) pedestrian or cycle tracks/ trails, and marked road crossings (ie. zebra crossings \u2013 paint component only. This feature class also contains unmarked road crossings as non-asset,network connectors.Amongst other exclusions, this feature class does NOT include 'Bridge' asset category items (eg. boardwalks, footbridges, attached vehicle bridge paths), or 'Pedestrian Tunnel' asset class items (ie. pedestrian/ cycle tunnels and associated, internal pathway structure).This dataset was generated by various parties and methodologies, from 2009(ie. the earliest recorded creation date) to current. These include: External development stakeholders, providing ADAC-compliant, \u2018As Constructed\u2019 survey drawings or XML files for contributed assets; Internal SCC planning/ engineering staff, providing ADAC-compliant, \u2018As Constructed\u2019 survey drawings or XML files for capital (SCC-constructed) assets; Internal engineering/ asset information staff, providing GPS vertices or linework (eg. from digital aerial imagery) of assets.As at 18/02/2015, the entirety of records contained within this dataset were migratedand adapatedfrom existing corporate and non-corporate feature classes(ie. pub.SCC.TranRDvecPathwaysExistingand W:\\Apps\\geo\\Tools\\Mobile\\Production\\EO\\Data\\NaturalAreas_Working.gdb\\Trails).Ongoing data collection is imported by SCC AIS staff, and managed within ESRI ArcGIS SDE database architecture.This dataset is to be considered a standalone layer.", "summary": "", "title": "Paths and Crossings", "tags": [], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 0, "maxScale": 0, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "SCC Technology Services Branch (Asset Information Services); SCC Transport Infrastructure Management Branch; SCC Environmental Operations Branch", "licenseInfo": "" }