Description: The Administrative Boundaries - Locality Boundaries Dataset is the spatial representation of the Localities of Queensland. This dataset has been value added to by Council and is edited when needed by Council to account for any changes in the locality boundaries. Dataset re-projected to GDA2020 on 01/06/2020 by the GDA2020 Transformation Project Team.
Service Item Id: 1df580bb94274325a2b511379f511a20
Copyright Text: Copyright State of Queensland (Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy) 2019
Description: The Administrative Boundaries - Locality Boundaries Dataset is the spatial representation of the Localities of Queensland. This dataset has been value added to by Council and is edited when needed by Council to account for any changes in the locality boundaries. Dataset re-projected to GDA2020 on 01/06/2020 by the GDA2020 Transformation Project Team.
Service Item Id: 1df580bb94274325a2b511379f511a20
Copyright Text: Copyright State of Queensland (Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy) 2019
Description: This layer is the layerused in the maint services group, with out def query. It is here solely for the purpose of being consumed in the Search Widget in the Tender App