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Legend (PlanningCadastre/Applications_SCRC)

Development Applications - In Progress (0)
Other Other
EPD - Miscellaneous Development Applications EPD - Miscellaneous Development Applications
ERA - Environmentally Relevant Activity ERA - Environmentally Relevant Activity
MCU(Q) - Material Change of Use MCU(Q) - Material Change of Use
MPC - Master Planned Communities MPC - Master Planned Communities
OPWORKS(Q) - Operational Works OPWORKS(Q) - Operational Works
PEP - Plan Endorsement Process PEP - Plan Endorsement Process
QPOS - Plans of Subdivision QPOS - Plans of Subdivision
QRAL; REC - Reconfiguration of a Lot QRAL; REC - Reconfiguration of a Lot
SPS(Q) - Superseded Planning Scheme Requests SPS(Q) - Superseded Planning Scheme Requests
VSDA - Archived Development Applications VSDA - Archived Development Applications
Development Applications - Decided or Past (1)
Other Other
EPD - Miscellaneous Development Applications EPD - Miscellaneous Development Applications
ERA - Environmentally Relevant Activity ERA - Environmentally Relevant Activity
MCU(Q) - Material Change of Use MCU(Q) - Material Change of Use
MPC - Master Planned Communities MPC - Master Planned Communities
OPWORKS(Q) - Operational Works OPWORKS(Q) - Operational Works
PEP - Plan Endorsement Process PEP - Plan Endorsement Process
QPOS - Plans of Subdivision QPOS - Plans of Subdivision
REC/QRAL - Reconfiguration of a Lot REC/QRAL - Reconfiguration of a Lot
QSPS; SPS - Superseded Planning Scheme Requests QSPS; SPS - Superseded Planning Scheme Requests
VSDA - Archived Development Applications VSDA - Archived Development Applications
Building Applications - In Progress (2)
Other Other
BLDG - Building (Regulated) BLDG - Building (Regulated)
BPC - Building Private Certification BPC - Building Private Certification
PrelimBLDG - Preliminary Approval for Building Works PrelimBLDG - Preliminary Approval for Building Works
QCAR - Concurrence Agency Referral QCAR - Concurrence Agency Referral
RAB - Referral Agency Response (Building Act) RAB - Referral Agency Response (Building Act)
RAP - Referral Agency Response (Planning) RAP - Referral Agency Response (Planning)
SBR - Standard Building Regulation Applications SBR - Standard Building Regulation Applications
VSBA - Archived Building Applications VSBA - Archived Building Applications
Building Applications - Decided or Past (3)
Other Other
BLDG - Building (Regulated) BLDG - Building (Regulated)
BPC - Building Private Certification BPC - Building Private Certification
PrelimBLDG - Preliminary Approval for Building Works PrelimBLDG - Preliminary Approval for Building Works
QCAR - Concurrence Agency Referral QCAR - Concurrence Agency Referral
RAB - Referral Agency Response (Building Act) RAB - Referral Agency Response (Building Act)
RAP - Referral Agency Response (Planning) RAP - Referral Agency Response (Planning)
SBR - Standard Building Regulation Applications SBR - Standard Building Regulation Applications
VSBA - Archived Building Applications VSBA - Archived Building Applications
Plumbing Applications - In Progress (4)
<all other values> <all other values>
VSPlumb- Plumbing and Drainage Works VSPlumb- Plumbing and Drainage Works
Plumbing Applications - Decided or Past (5)
Other Other
VSPlumb- Plumbing and Drainage Works VSPlumb- Plumbing and Drainage Works
Approvals varying the effect of a Planning Scheme (6)