Description: Sunshine coast Regional - Bus stops without shelters
This layer cannot be viewed out beyond 1:18,056.
Keywords: Bus routes, public transport, Travelsmart,
Bus stop, Bus shelter, Trankslink
Description: Sunshine coast Regional - Bus stops with shelters
This layer cannot be viewed out beyond 1:18,056.
Keywords: Bus routes, public transport, Travelsmart,
Bus stop, Bus shelter, Trankslink
Description: This dataset is intended to represent the location and basic attributes of known, recorded, active transport features (including Bicycle Hoop, Bicycle Rack, Bicycle Locker, Bicycle Repair Station, Bicycle Room/Compound, Bicycle Banana Rail, Bicycle Chicane assets) within the Sunshine Coast LGA. Features within this dataset have been captured by various Sunshine Coast Council personnel and methodologies.
Service Item Id: 9946a057c54143e296c1e1dbd7b94098
Copyright Text: Source: Sunshine Coast Council Digital and Asset Management Branch (Asset Information Services); Transport Infrastructure Management Branch.
Description: This dataset contains permenant counter sites (including vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian) owned by Sunshine Coast Regional Council. It contains a coverage of area that the counter is within not the specific location. This allows a tolerance to ensure caution is taken in the specified area.
This layer cannot be viewed out beyond 1:18,056.
Keywords: Permanent traffic counters, Piezio, Loops, Tubes, Pedestrian and cycle counts, Bicycle counts
Description: Traffic Signals locations for Road and Pedestrian signals owned by Department of Transport and Main Roads.
This layer cannot be viewed out beyond 1:18,056.
Keywords: Traffic Signals, Traffic Lights, Pedestrian Lights
Service Item Id: 9946a057c54143e296c1e1dbd7b94098
Copyright Text: Department of Transport and Main Roads
Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;font-size:12pt"><DIV><P><SPAN>This dataset is intended to represent the location and basic attributes of known, recorded, SCC-owned or maintained, bridge assets (ie. vehicle bridges, pedestrian bridges, and boardwalks) within the Sunshine Coast LGA. Features within this dataset have been captured by various Sunshine Coast Council personnel and methodologies, including ADAC XMLdata and as-constructed plan submissions, aerial photographic interpretation, approximations, and field inspections (incl. GPS data capture). </SPAN></P></DIV></DIV>
Description: This dataset represents SCC's Recreational Trails, and thus the approximate location and basic attribution of known, recorded, SCC-owned or maintained trails within the Sunshine Coast LGA. Eligible asset types include formed footpaths, cycleways, shared paths, unformed (ie. unexcavated earth) pedestrian or cycle tracks/ trails, and marked road crossings (ie. zebra crossings – paint component only. This feature class also contains unmarked road crossings as non-asset,network connectors.Amongst other exclusions, this feature class does NOT include 'Bridge' asset category items (eg. boardwalks, footbridges, attached vehicle bridge paths), or 'Pedestrian Tunnel' asset class items (ie. pedestrian/ cycle tunnels and associated, internal pathway structure).This dataset was generated by various parties and methodologies, from 2009(ie. the earliest recorded creation date) to current. These include: External development stakeholders, providing ADAC-compliant, ‘As Constructed’ survey drawings or XML files for contributed assets; Internal SCC planning/ engineering staff, providing ADAC-compliant, ‘As Constructed’ survey drawings or XML files for capital (SCC-constructed) assets; Internal engineering/ asset information staff, providing GPS vertices or linework (eg. from digital aerial imagery) of assets.As at 18/02/2015, the entirety of records contained within this dataset were migratedand adapatedfrom existing corporate and non-corporate feature classes(ie. pub.SCC.TranRDvecPathwaysExistingand W:\Apps\geo\Tools\Mobile\Production\EO\Data\NaturalAreas_Working.gdb\Trails).Ongoing data collection is imported by SCC AIS staff, and managed within ESRI ArcGIS SDE database architecture.This dataset is to be considered a standalone layer.
Service Item Id: 9946a057c54143e296c1e1dbd7b94098
Copyright Text: SCC Technology Services Branch (Asset Information Services); SCC Transport Infrastructure Management Branch; SCC Environmental Operations Branch
Description: This dataset was provided by Translink. It represents locations of railway stations on the Sunshine Coast. For further information please contact Translink.
This layer cannot be viewed out beyond 1:18,056.
Keywords: Railway stations
Description: This dataset represents the alignment of the Sunshine Coast Railway line. It is indicative only and in no way represents the accurate position of the railway.
This layer cannot be viewed out beyond 1:577,791.
Keywords: Railways, Railroads
Description: This dataset represents SCC's Trails asset class, and thus the approximate location and basic attribution of known, recorded, SCC-owned or maintained trails within the Sunshine Coast LGA. Eligible path uses include walking/hiking, multi-purpose, horse-riding and mountain biking. This feature class does NOT include 'Bridge' asset category items (eg. boardwalks, footbridges, attached vehicle bridge paths), or 'Pedestrian Tunnel' asset class items. This dataset was generated by various parties and methodologies. Ongoing data collection is imported by SCC AIS staff, and managed within ESRI ArcGIS SDE database architecture. This dataset is to be considered a standalone layer.
Service Item Id: 9946a057c54143e296c1e1dbd7b94098
Copyright Text: Sunshine Coast Council Information Communication Technology Services Branch (Asset Information Services); ___________ Branch
Description: Exising Sunshine Coast Council regional on road cycle Facilities.
Includes both Council and TMR corridors. Separated Cycleways are included in the pathways data set.
Service Item Id: 9946a057c54143e296c1e1dbd7b94098
Copyright Text: Transport Infrastructure Planning Branch, contact Peter Duffy, Kevin Power
Description: Proposed Future Sunshine Coast Council regional on road cycle Facilities.
Includes both Council and TMR corridors. Separated Cycleways are included in the pathways data set.
Service Item Id: 9946a057c54143e296c1e1dbd7b94098
Copyright Text: Transport Infrastructure Planning Branch, contact Peter Duffy, Kevin Power
Description: Contact: Mick Neville. Data Owner: Kurt Martin, Branch Management - Environmental Ops Dataset re-projected to GDA2020 on 01/06/2020 by the GDA2020 Transformation Project Team.